
Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to Feel Good Friday! ~ 5 Good Things

I love this idea!!

I have found that a lot of my bloggy friends reading posts about being positive, so I thought I might try my very own meme.  I just want everyone to feel good and have some happy thoughts as you begin the weekend.  
Are you with me?!  

Step 1: 
Pick one of these prompts and write about it on your blog!  You can: 
  • Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things.   
  • Write about something that happened to you this week that really made you smile.  Was it your child, husband, or maybe a complete stranger did to you?
  • Write about something that YOU did for someone else that really made them happy or laugh.
  • Is there something you treasure so much that every single time you look at it, it brings you happiness?  Post a pic and tell everyone about it.
  • Having a hard week and can't find one good thing about it?  Well then, what is your happy place?  What do you think of that makes you happy? A past vacation?  A childhood memory?  We want to know!
Step 2:
Come back to my blog on Friday and link up with Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.  Then go and read at least one other blog and leave them a comment to make their day brighter.

Step 3:
Have fun.  Feel good.  Smile. 
Then, start looking for all of the good things you can write about for next week!  Once you start looking for the "good"  you will find it everywhere!

5 things that made me really happy this week.

1) Monday was Memorial Day; I could not help but think about the freedom we enjoy. There are so many who have given their lives for what we have. Donny put our American Flag out in the front yard. It made happy to watch it blow gently in the spring breeze and for what it represents. As I enjoyed a great BBQ with my family I know that I am truly blessed.    

2) The weather this week has made a turn. We have had a very cold and rainy spring. This week we have had blue skies with puffy white clouds. I love feeling of the sun on my face.

3) Something that makes me happy, this week and every moment for just over two months is my new grandbaby. Her amazing blue eyes, her wonderful smile, her yummy rolls and cheeks. Babies are the closest thing to heaven we can get.

4) My in-laws have been in town for two family weddings, what has become a tradition for our family when Grandpa comes to visit is he takes my kids shopping for shoes. It makes my heart happy to see my kids in their new shoes. Thank you Dad.

5) Another thing that has made my heart happy this week is to see one of the dreams for my daughter Alissa happen. Alissa dances on the BYU Ballroom Team and is in Blackpool, England at the Blackpool Dance Festival (World Championships) The Standard Team competed on Wednesday (June 2nd) and Won and now The Latin Team competes today (June 4th) Alissa is on the Latin Team. Go Alissa , Go BYU, Represent for the USA!!

The winning team for Standard with the trophy
Look at that amazing ballroom in the background

The BYU Standard Ballroom Formation Team - Champions!! 


  1. I'm here from Friday Follow. Congrats on your new grandbaby! Super cute. If you sew, you should check out my blog - especially with a new baby girl. DIY sewing pattners galore!

  2. Those were 5 great things! I live in MN so the weather can be fickle and I totally appreciate those lovely spring days when we manage to get them!

    Your granddaughter is gorgeous!! and how fun for your daughter. I love watching ballroom dancing on PBS. it is mesmerizing!

    Thank you for participating in FGF! I am glad you liked it!!

  3. You really had a wonderful week! We had beautiful weather here is Wisconsin which I enjoyed as much as possible. Your granddaughter is a cutey, my grandson is 2 and he helps me review children's books we have so much fun!!

