
Thursday, December 2, 2010

What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

I have always loved this time of year. Growing up my Mom worked so hard on making it magical. Through the years I have continued working hard making memories. Yes it takes planning to make memories. But this year I have had mixed emotions, I really don't like how commercial the holidays have become.

The magic is in the simple things.

What can we do to make Christmas more meaningful?

First – consider those things that are most important

Second – cut down on some activities and preparations that are not important, then spend more time on things that are.

So much of our time, money and effort are put into gifts.
How can we plan Christmas gifts so they honor the Savior and feel the true spirit of Christmas?

Do our gifts pass this little test?
1 – Is the gift in the spirit of Love?
2 – Is it a reasonable choice and not too expensive or time consuming for the giver?
3 – Will it be ready before Christmas so that it will not take last minute preparation that should be spent on more important things?

Think back, do you remember what you got each year? You might remember the year you got a bike, but not what you got each year.
Money is not what's important – many can probably afford nice gifts – just things – gifts of the heart are memories for you and the one that receives.
Cutting down on your list to whom you give gifts.

How can we enjoy preparing Christmas food so it will add to the Spirit of Christmas?
It needs to be kept simple.
Make up menus and shopping list weeks before Christmas and purchase items on sale and when convenient.

How can our Christmas decorations add more to the spirit of Christmas?
If Christmas decorations are too time consuming and expensive, they can detract from the spirit. If left to the last minute they often add stress and confusion.

Family Traditions
Which of our traditional Christmas activities add to the spirit of our celebration and bring us closer to the Savior?
You may want to begin a Christmas tradition that puts service and love first in your plans by visiting long neglected relatives, lonely persons, or neighbors with whom you are not well acquainted.
By sharing food, toys and gifts with families in need, you may find a new meaning in your celebration of the birth of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I know I have a lot of precious memories of our Christmases. They were "magical" at times. This time of the year a lot of those special memories coming flooding back. I embrace them, hang on to them, cherish them and once again live them. I am so glad that I have them. You have been such a big part of that,thank you.
