I think Chris Coffman said it best
"OK - I need to be sappy & sentimental ... I am humbled to realize how people who have pass through our lives touch our hearts and spirits. I haven't seen some of you in long while, but seeing you wiped away the years and I remembered how much I love you and appreciate your influence in my life, even if it was years ago. Looking forward to a get-together next year!"
Hugh & Laura Black
Kristi, Tammy, Ty and kids
J Earl Coffman, Laura and Craig Gardiner
Debbie, Ciaran & Todd Burton
Brian Jensen, Brent Packer, Ben Stahmann, Donny Williams
(we just get rounder and more wrinkled, the kids just grow up)
Marva Yapias, Lisa Chidester, Christi Williams & Debbie Stahmann


Donny, Sis & Bro Packer & Ben

Lisa, Christi & Debbie
Brian & Ryan
We almost lost Lindsay that night, she darted out and was almost hit by a car, how fast an evening can go from pure joy to almost tragedy. We were blessed, Lindsay was protected. See the little necklace around her neck, her Uncle Jason gave that to her, as a "Good Luck" Charm after that evening.
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