Pursue Your True Mission
Many of us feel disconnected from what we are doing in life. We get up, go to work, do what we must, and come home exhausted. We feel defined by our jobs, our responsibilities, and our problems rather than being defined by a purpose and mission in life. The older we get, the more challenging it is to remember our dreams.
Now is the time to find the inspiration and stamina to pursue what is important to you--despite the economic crisis. Even if you are overwhelmed with work and family, carve out the time to invest in discovering and pursuing your true mission in life. Here's how to get started.
Money is not the true measure of a successful life and it does not buy happiness. Don't equate material success with achieving dreams. They are not one and the same. Some people have everything they ever wanted and they are still unhappy. If you have sacrificed your dreams for money, or are pushing your dreams aside for lack of funds, you will miss out on a meaningful life. Ponder ways you can do meaningful work, have a good home life, and help make the world a better place.
If you have lost track of your dreams, it could be because you have forgotten what is most important to you. Perhaps your aspirations have been lost in the chaos of daily living. Spend time reflecting on the kind of experiences that would help you feel more alive--and engage in those activities. If learning, discovering, and meeting new people are priorities, seek more opportunities to pursue these pleasures. If family, health, and spirituality are important, don't throw them over. Balance your life to reflect what matters to you most.
Figure out who you want to be and what you want to do. Many of us ignore our dreams in the interest of providing for our families, or because we think we don't deserve them--but all that does is leave us unhappy and listless. If this describes you, spend some time deciding what you want to do and be. Allow your imagination to bring you insights and ideas, and know that if you can imagine it, you can create it
We get lost sometimes in our personal dramas. It helps to feel connected to the bigger picture. If you find solace in believing in God, embrace that satisfaction; however, you don't have to subscribe to a particular faith to be a spiritual person, or to benefit from a daily dose of energy from your spiritual practice of choice. Make connecting with a universal energy a part of your everyday experience, and you will find your faith in humankind, life, and yourself restored.

Some people are mired in responsibilities and can never see their way clear to putting their own hopes at the top of the list. Don't let your obligations prevent you from pursuing your dreams. Your dreams didn't cease to exist the day your kids were born. Sure, you're here to encourage their dreams; but don't abandon yours in the meantime. Your effort to achieve your own dreams sends your children a healthy message about life and how to live.
There will be people who put down your dreams or discourage you. Don't let them rain on your parade! It may be tough to stand up to those who want to bring you down, but if you live your life looking for approval, you will never be free. Try to avoid people who like to criticize, or don't listen to them. Believe in yourself and work hard to attain what you want out of life.
Make a choice to take action, if even just a few small steps. Start by writing down a new definition for your life. Who would you be if you were living your dreams?
Without overanalyzing, act straight from your gut and make a list of the kind of relationships, family life, career and adventures you would like to be living. Also jot down the qualities you would embrace (confidence, happiness, great self-esteem, prosperity, etc).
Allow yourself to believe and you will find yourself building momentum that will carry you closer to your dreams. Before you know it, you will be living the new life you once only imagined.
Laura Stack is a motivational speaker and the best-selling author of The Exhaustion Cure" (2008); "Find More Time" (2006); and "Leave the Office Earlier" (2004).
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